It’s hard to tell people what they should know about you, but here’s a few things. One client liked a logo I designed so much, she got it tattooed on her wrist. That was interesting. Some work I did made a grown man cry. I admit he was kind of a crier to begin with, but it was a good brochure. I love building things. I once rehabbed an old hi-fi cabinet just to see if I could. Looking for me on a weekend? Assuming I'm not at home remodeling, I'm probably out digging for new used vinyl or hanging out at the park with my dog Buddy.  

Someone once showed me a book describing Libras (which I am) born in the year of the Goat (which I was.) I think this quote from that book is pretty accurate.

“But there is, inside the Libra/Goat head, a sort of Byzantine kaleidoscopic imagination. The Libra/Goat leaps from idea to idea with a special rapid grace all his own. He understands the labyrinthine. He comprehends complexity, and is superbly talented in all sorts of communication.” 
– The New Astrology by Suzanne White

Those are big words, but I think she may be right.